Pawsitively Humane

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Miami Dade Budget Hearing--Support Pets Trust

If you live in Miami Dade County...

At commission meeting the budget millage will be discussed and set.   When we voted on the Pets’ Trust, almost 500,000 people said yes to a millage of 0.1079 mills for our animals, which translates to an average of $15 a year for each homeowner.   Because of rising home values and so many new properties being built, the coffers are overflowing with money this year.   

If you recall, 65% of voters said yes to paying a little more in taxes for a great benefit. Shockingly and tragically, the vote was never honored by the mayor and local officials. Democracy failed. Yes in Miami, Florida, United States democracy failed in clear transparency.

Citizens, voters, and taxpayers will be attending the commission meeting to show our concern and continued support for the initiatives of the Pet's Trust.  We will be asking that the commissioner set aside a dedicated fund of 0.1079 mills for animal programs as the people voted. We will be asking the commissioner to honor our votes.  In our country, we the people tell officials what we want, via our votes, something we have been doing for over 200 years.   Elected officials work for us and it is their job, their duty to listen to the people. 

WHAT:        County Commission Meeting to set the budget
WHERE:      Downtown Government Center, 101 NW 1st St. Miami, FL  33128
WHEN:        Tuesday, July 14, 9:30am

WEAR:        Please wear Red shirt to show support!


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